


Qingyunshan Pharmaceutical won the "2023 Nutrition Intelligent Manufacturing Application Innovation Award"

On October 19, 2023, the "2023-2024 New Nutrition Annual Trend Conference and Nutrition Intelligent Manufacturing Award Ceremony" was successfully held in Guangzhou, co-sponsored by New Nutrition, Nutrition Box, and New Plant, and strategically co-organized by the Guangdong Health Food Industry Association.

The conference had a strong lineup of guests, with more than 600 industry insiders present to witness the annual awards ceremony. Guangdong Qingyunshan Pharmaceutical, as a "smart" manufacturer in the field of general health, won the "2023 Nutrition Intelligent Manufacturing Application Innovation Award".

Evaluation criteria from multiple dimensions

"Nutrition Intelligent Manufacturing" is a landmark award independently created by "New Nutrition". The purpose is to recognize companies with outstanding advantages and contributions in the supply chain and the entire industry chain. It is judged and awarded by the "New Nutrition" team.

Guangdong Qingyunshan Pharmaceutical won the
"2023 Nutrition Intelligent Manufacturing Application Innovation Award"

Innovation is the driving force of development. Qingyunshan Pharmaceutical won the "2023 Nutrition Intelligent Manufacturing Application Innovation Award" at the 2023 New Nutrition Annual Conference. Under the dual trends of health upgrading and consumption upgrading, we continue to improve our capabilities in innovation and development, maintain our brand advantages in emerging markets, and continue to provide customers with high-quality nutritious and healthy food.

In 2023, the market share of comprehensive health will continue to expand, and consumers’ enthusiasm for health will continue to rise. Guangdong Qingyunshan follows market trends, focuses on consumer needs, and deeply explores the functional attributes of natural raw materials to meet consumers' growing health needs. Our oriental herbal medicine is our main research direction, developing multi-functional, multi-dosage and multi-application products to continue to provide differentiated competitiveness for our customers.

Innovation accumulates kinetic energy to help accelerate intelligent manufacturing

Guangdong Qingyunshan Pharmaceutical was established in 1989 and currently has 34 years of manufacturing experience. Once a pharmaceutical company, we know that safe and quality products are crucial. Therefore, we integrate the standards for making pharmaceuticals into the production of health products and functional foods, and use more stringent standards to provide customers and consumers with healthy and guaranteed products. product. At the same time, we use modern technology to build an integrated intelligent manufacturing center to continuously increase the efficient production of products.

Taiyi Health·Ningbo Headquarters

Guangdong Qingyunshan Pharmaceutical Industry is affiliated to Ningbo Taiyi Health Industry Co., Ltd. and spares no effort on the road of R&D and innovation. We have established 4 major centers and 10 major laboratories to carry out research from natural raw materials to functional finished products to production and transformation. We have also established a "Future Healthy Food Joint Research Center" with Zhejiang University to study product efficacy and sensory use. Our R&D team comes from all over the world and has different disciplinary backgrounds, providing unlimited possibilities for creating rich products.

Deep cultivation of oriental herbal medicine, natural, safe and reliable

Source: China Business Intelligence Network

With the deepening of consumers' health concept, pure natural herbs are becoming more and more popular. Plant-based products with their own health attributes have formed a new consumption trend in the field of functional foods and health foods. Starting from 2018, it has continued to increase at a rate of more than 10% every year, and is expected to reach US$32 billion in 2023 and US$35.5 billion in 2024. It can be seen that products based on plant-based raw materials will have great potential in the global market.
Qingyunshan Pharmaceutical has been deeply involved in the field of plant raw materials for many years. We have 20+ years of experience in the production of traditional Chinese medicine formula granules and 15+ years of plant active ingredient extraction technology advantages. We have gradually accumulated 300+ core raw materials and 1000+ scientific formula databases. On this basis, we select star raw materials, such as Disugar® Mulberry Leaf Extract, InSKN® Guanshan Cherry Blossom Powder, Ti-RoxC® Prickly Pear Powder, YounG-Z® Phyllanthus Phyllanthus Powder, etc., regardless of the raw material origin, technology development, Production and supply all have advantages. Focusing on natural plant raw materials and 7 major dosage forms (Ti-3S flash-release direct drink granules), a product matrix with popular functions such as liver protection, eye protection, and immunity enhancement has been established.
In the future, we will always adhere to the concept of better integrating health into life and actively create high-quality nutritious food and health solutions for consumers.

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